
The Feel Good Stacia Facial

A custom multi-step process through cleansing and steam to purify, detox and tighten the skin.

This facial combines a restorative, rejuvenating mask along with a mesmerizing scalp massage. This facial also combines the healing energies of crystals, including Clear Quartz (clarity, higher self, removes negativity and energizes) Rose quartz (love, harmony) and Smokey Quartz (grounding, centering and clears blocked energy). Your mind and body will feel restored, balanced and infused with energy.

* 90 min includes Angel Card reading

Facial Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy)

What is Microneedling?

Dermatologists have used this procedure for decades to treat facial scars, fine lines and wrinkles..... Read More

*Please arrive 30 minutes prior to appointment for check-in and prep.

*Skincare results vary... optimum results are achieved after a series of 3 or more treatments.


This amazing exfoliation treatment completely removes dry, dead skin cells and the fine, or not so fine vellus hair (peach fuzz), promoting luminous, glass-like skin texture and allowing deeper penetration of product. This treatment is beneficial in the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and softens hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Produces immediate results. Your skin will glow!

Treatment includes a vitamin infused hydrating mask.


This mechanical exfoliating treatment is a non chemical non invasive procedure that uses a diamond tip to gently remove the outer layer epidermis of dry, dead skins cells revealing brighter, younger and radiant skin. If you suffer from acne scarring, wrinkles, uneven pigment or brown spots, microdermabrasion can be an excellent solution.

It will reduce these problems quickly and leave you with healthy, glowing skin.

Microderm also stimulates collagen production, resulting in a more youthful complexion.

Excellent for all skin types.